Stage 1 in a 3 Stage Fuel Security Lockdown

Fuel Theft isn’t Really Something That the Average Consumer has to Worry About.

But for fleet operators, truck drivers and anyone that distributes goods, it is a real and frustrating problem that can negatively impact bottom lines in a big way.

In a period of economic instability like right now, fuel theft increases… but it’s also, of course, a time when we all can least afford it. The good news is that TankSafe offers a complete end to end fuel lockdown kit solution to combat this.

We secure all possible fuel theft access points (primary and secondary). Yes, it costs money to fit the best, but it saves you money pretty quickly too. The following is a breakdown of Stage 1 of our 3 Stage fuel security lockdown. (We will be unpacking the other stages for you going forward too).

1. Protect the Tank Neck.

This is the most frequent point of access for would-be thieves, and our TankSafe anti-siphon devices are the world leaders in this department.

Device option 1. TankSafe® ‘Optimum’
– 100% protection (from skimming, siphoning, overfilling)
– Solid aluminium construction
– Does not affect fuel flow fill rate.

Device option 2. TankSafe® ‘Shield’
– Attack proof 4cm solid dome base
– Short chamber reduces skimming
– For trucks, plant equipment and refrigerated trailers.

Our anti-siphon devices are competitively priced, world-leading solutions, designed to save you fuel and money.

Call us or mail us to speak to a fuel security specialist or for more info on this offer and how we can help your fleet.